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Specialist recruitment with a small pool of candidates

We have found Finnveden Executive to be professional with excellent communication skills

Trelleborg Sealing Profiles has an office in Värnamo but is found in a large number of locations around the world.

In fact, the company is two businesses – Trelleborg Sealing Profiles and Trelleborg Mixing Forsheda. Marie Torén is HR Manager of both, and for several years has used Finnveden Executive when recruiting for strategically important positions.

The company has over 200 employees in total. Trelleborg Sealing Profiles is an industry-leading supplier of sealing solutions for the construction industry and specialist solutions for the vehicle industry, while Trelleborg Mixing Forsheda works with and delivers material internally to Sealing Profiles, but also to other external manufacturers across the globe. Marie Torén says that the challenges identified ahead, in both companies, are partly about attractiveness in the market, expansion and growth, but also involve restructuring from a skillset perspective.

Professional with a personal touch

“We have found Finnveden Executive to be professional with excellent communication skills,” says Marie Torén. “It has also largely been a personal relationship – we had a main contact who worked very well with us and we set great store by their expertise. It’s a relationship we value highly. But other people we have been in contact with at Finnveden Executive also display the same professionalism in their role.”

In her role as HR manager, Marie is one of the people most frequently in contact with the recruitment consultants. She describes her experience of Finnveden Executive’s way of working as professional and personal at the same time. “That’s what I think is at the heart of the whole thing,” she says. “They deliver a piece of craftsmanship that’s the result of a great deal of hard work. They carry out in-depth work on tests, analyses and interviews. I have great trust in their methods – a carefully developed battery of tests and in-depth interviews that work well.”

“We have found Finnveden Executive to be professional with excellent communication skills”

Marie Torén
HR manager,  Trelleborg Sealing Profiles

Recruitment consultants

Roger Johansson

Roger Johansson

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Martin Damberg

Martin Damberg

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Christina Cajtoft

Christina Cajtoft

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Malin Classon

Malin Classon

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Roger Johansson

Roger Johansson

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Martin Dambergs

Martin Dambergs

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Christina Cajtoft

Christina Cajtoft

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Malin Classon

Malin Classon

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